Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Diffrent tools and their uses in your documents

In File Menu

New : To create a new blank word document page

Save As : To save document in your Convenient Folder location and to change or give name to your document

Page Setup :
 Margin : To set margin of your document left, right, top, bottom (top :1, Bottom :1, Left : 1.25, Right : 1.25 is the standard size)

Paper : To choose your paper size : A4/ A3 etc (A4 is standard size and its wide :8.27, Height 11.69) you can apply to hole document or this point forward to use after certain page

Layout : To choose the size of your header and footer if you want to put header and footer to your document. You can apply to whole document or this point forward to use after certain page or can use different odd and even page or different first page as your choice

Print Preview : to see how your document is going to be after print

Print : to print the document (ctrl +P)

In Edit Menu

Undo : to go back 1step what you have save or done before (Ctrl +Z)

Repeat : to repeat (ctrl +Y)

Cut : Select the word or picture you want to cut it or to paste in different location and press right mouse and press cut or ctrl + x

Copy : Select the word or picture you want to paste same in different location and press right mouse or ctrl +C  to copy

Paste : After copy or Ctrl+C to paste it right click the mouse and press paste or Ctrl +V

Select All : to select the whole document drag the mouse to top to bottom or reverse or simple press Ctrl +A

Find : if you want to find some word in your whole document then go to edit menu and press find or Ctrl +F and press find next to find more

Replace : If you want to find some words and change it eg (is to change are) then go to find click to replace, type find what and type replace with and click replace/replace all/ find next are your requirement.

Go To : If you want to jump to certain page (eg 25 page out of 100 page) then simply type page 25 and you can go directly to page 25
similarly you can go to page/selection/line/book mark/ footnote/header as your requirement.

How to Use Word Perfectly

How to Use Word Perfectly

What is word

Word is Microsoft software program designed  for document and word processing. It is commonly use for Typing and typesetting documents. It was first released in 1983 under the name Multi-Tool Word for Xenix systems
Microsoft Word has the option to save documents in a variety of formats, including .doc, .txt, and .rtf.

Learn the tools of Microsoft Words